Month: July 2020

A $100 Lesson

Posted on 07/08/2020 in Remember when you made that mistake by aervblog

Not too long ago I bought a Tektronix 496 Spectrum Analyzer off Ebay. The description said it came on but no further testing was done. It was a good price, $199 plus shipping and since I have wanted a decent spec-an for a long time now I jumped on it. It did look really nice. […]

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Parts, Is It What It Says It Is?

Posted on 07/08/2020 in TecTalk,Uncategorised by aervblog

In the past electronics repair was a pretty straight forward business. Find the bad part and replace it. You did not have to worry much about the parts you were getting. You could count on their quality even from places like Radio Shack. Now days that is just not true. If you go to EBay […]

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